The Spring Term started with a bit of excitement, the local firefighters came rushing through the door during an assembly ask where the fire was. Once the children had recovered from the excitement, the firefighters calmly explained that this term's topic was going to be Fire! Fire!
The children had a fantastic time learning fire safety. They had a go at squirting the hose and they even had a chance to go into the fire engine.
To find out more about our Stunning Starter click HERE
To see our overview of learning click on your year group YEAR 1 YEAR 2
What a start Green Class have had to the new school year! We have really been having fun and learning lots about our first topic of the year, 'Turrets and Tiaras'.
Click here to learn a bit more about our Stunning Starter afternoon
Click here to see an overview of our learning
We have learned a lot about castles, who was important inside and some of the jobs people had to do - some of them sound really yucky!! We were very sad when Queen Elizabeth died and we learned a lot about her life. We have also been using our art skills to design our own coats of arms and to create a castle in the style of Piet Mondrian.
We have also been learning some lovely relaxing yoga skills and love to play 'Umbrella, umbrella, please choose me'.
In computing, we have discovered what 'algorithm' means and have been programming Beebots to make them go round a treasure map.
Forest School has been really exciting and we have been doing a plant experiment to see if plants need light or air to survive - can you guess what we found out?
Here's just a glimpse of what we got up to!