Admission Arrangements

The school's admissions are managed by the Local Authority.  Please follow the following link for  the Admissions section of the Local Authority's website.  This page contains all the relevant information on how to apply for a place for your child at Long Buckby Infant School. 


Should we be oversubscribed in any year group we follow the oversubscriptions procedures for Rural Community Infant Schools.


Oversubscription Criteria

Places will be allocated to pupils who have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) that names the school as appropriate provision.

When there are more applications for places than there are places available, priority will be given in the following order:

  1. Children in public care or previously in public care but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, residence/child arrangement order or special guardianship order.
  2. Pupils who live in the linked area, Buckby Wharf, Long Buckby or Watford.
  3. Pupils with an older brother or sister continuing at the school or the linked Junior School at the time of admission of the younger child.
  4. Pupils who attend the linked Junior School.
  5. Other pupils.


If the admission number is exceeded within any criterion priority will be given to those who live closest to the school.

 The school's admissions arrangements will stay the same for September 2023.

Admission Arrangements

The school's admissions are managed by the Local Authority.  Please follow the following link for  the Admissions section of the Local Authority's website.  This page contains all the relevant information on how to apply for a place for your child at Long Buckby Infant School. 


Should we be oversubscribed in any year group we follow the oversubscriptions procedures for Rural Community Infant Schools.


Oversubscription Criteria

Places will be allocated to pupils who have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) that names the school as appropriate provision.

When there are more applications for places than there are places available, priority will be given in the following order:

  1. Children in public care or previously in public care but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, residence/child arrangement order or special guardianship order.
  2. Pupils who live in the linked area, Buckby Wharf, Long Buckby or Watford.
  3. Pupils with an older brother or sister continuing at the school or the linked Junior School at the time of admission of the younger child.
  4. Pupils who attend the linked Junior School.
  5. Other pupils.


If the admission number is exceeded within any criterion priority will be given to those who live closest to the school.

 The school's admissions arrangements will stay the same for September 2023.