We are taught by Mrs Dawn Burbury
The whole school came together with friends and family on a wonderful sunny day to celebrate May Day. The children and the staff had been working hard practising their may-pole dancing, country dancing and Morris dancing. The dances were all performed beautifully by the children and there were some super contributions made by parents and carers!
Yum Yum!
Our new topic got off to a busy start with our Stunning Starter.
All the children were able to make delicious pizzas. They had a go at dough making, cheese grating, vegetable chopping and then creating their own individual pizza.
In the hall they learnt to line dance. They followed the music as it got faster and faster. They picked it up quickly and had lots of fun.
They navigated farm vehicles around an obstacle course made of hay bales. The sun shone and the children enjoyed negotiating around the obstacles and each other.
Then they had a chance to plant different seeds. The children are looking forward to growing carrots, runner beans, spring onions, red onions, basil, lettuce and peas grow and harvesting them.
Inside they made life-size scarecrows with straw. They will hopefully protect our seeds and young plants!
Look at all the fantastic learning we have been doing this term.
In science we have been exploring how electricity works. We have been finding out about which materials conduct electricity by experimenting with energy balls.
We have been re-telling traditional tales using drama in Literacy and using our fantastic Maths Makes Sense skills to solve problems in Maths.
We are busy writing stories, telling the time and painting rocks. All this and braving the snow and hot chocolate in Forest School!
26th February 2018
On one of the coldest days of the year Year 2 children had a fantastic time learning new bike skills with 'Go Bike'. They learnt how to balance and steer bikes following a course around the playground. They even had a limbo competition! Well done to all the children for their spectacular cycling skills! Thank you to 'Go Bike' for giving the children such a valuable experience. Take a look at our fantastic pictures of the children having fun.
23rd February 2018
A new half term begins and we have already been soooo busy! Our Walk through the Trees topic has continued this week with our Marvellous Middle when Dave from Raptor Xotics brought his birds of prey to see us.
All of Year 2 got together in the hall and Dave showed us two owls, a Harris Hawk, a bald eagle and a really cute rat!! We found out that the owls and the rat have terrible eyesight and use sound to hunt or to warn them about danger but that the hawk and eagle have really good eyesight and can see clearly for nearly a mile!! This helps them find and catch food quickly.
Some of the children even got to help Dave to fly the birds across the room. it was so interesting and exciting (and maybe just a tiny bit scary!).
We are looking forward to doing lots more exciting work on this topic. Watch this space for more!
12th January 2018
Well, here we are again! Happy New Year to everyone! The children have come back read and raring to learn more. The year has started with our lovely new topic, A Walk Through The Trees, and we began with a walk through our own local trees - down at Mill Park.
Although it was very chilly last Friday, all the children had a fantastic time at the green space. There was so much to do. Some were making music in nature by finding things to use as drumsticks and drums as well as keeping pulses and rhythm going. We also found out how to measure trees by looking through our legs! Some children made cute little mud and stick hedgehogs whilst others found natural materials to create costumes with. We finished with a story but it great fun as we got to act our all the actions in 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'. Take a look at our pictures to see some of the fun we had alongside our amazing outdoor learning.
If you would like to know more about what we are going to be learning, please see our OVERVIEW and NEWSLETTER. The newsletter also includes some reminders about key day to day information that you may need.
Following the success of the Year 2 assessment information evening, we have compiled a list of ways to help your child with spelling and hopefully make it fun.
2nd November 2017
Welcome back everybody! We've had a really busy first few days back, the highlight of which was definitely our trip to the National Space Centre in Leicester (although we'd rather forget the journey home!).
The children really loved the Centre. They saw real rockets and satellites, got a feel for how it would be like to communicate in space and, after a rocky start, thoroughly enjoyed the Sir Patrick Moore planetarium show all about being an astronaut. They thought Chad was very funny!!
There was so much to see and interact with that the children did not stop learning from the moment they arrived. Most of them have already said they want to go back some day.
The teachers were extremely proud of the way the children behaved and were a real credit to the school.
Take a look at the slideshow below and see for yourself how much was packed into what felt like a very short day!
Forest School
We have now finished our Forest school sessions for autumn term. We had an amazing time exploring, learning and experiencing new things. Take a look at all our wonderful photos.
Week Commencing 16th October
Our Special Person for this week was Theo. Everyday he has rushed in to change our calendar and timetable to ensure it is accurate. Thank you Theo for being so organised. The class had lots of lovely reasons for why you are so special. Theo can now look forward to Tea@2 with Mrs Dugdale
Week Commencing 9th October
This week our Special Person was George Gatherar. He has enjoyed sitting on the special chair and collecting and returning the register. Thank you George for all your help. You have impressed the Blueberries. Now you have afternoon tea to look forward to with Mrs Dugdale.
Week Commencing 2nd October
Our Special Person for this week has been Bella Keys. She has taken on her responsibilities very efficiently! Well done Bella the class have said the most wonderful things about why you are so special. Now you can look forward to Tea@2 with Mrs Dugdale.
Science Afternoon
On Thursday we had a science afternoon. We used Discovery Dog to help us plan an investigation to find 'Which is the best material to use to make our helicopter?' We all had great fun dropping our helicopters and comparing the different materials. We found that tissue paper helicopters stay in the air the longest.
22nd - 29th September 2017
Finnlay Searle has been our Special Person this week. He has changed our timetable and collected the register for the Blueberry class. He will now be going to Tea@2 with Mrs Dugdale. Thank you Finnlay.
15th September 2017
Elliot Cole was chosen as our Special Person this week. He is looking forward to Tea@2 with Mrs Dugdale.
Thank you Elliot for being a super Special Person
8th September 2017
Welcome back to a new year of fun and learning!
We hope you all had a fantastic summer break and are ready to meet the challenges of Year 2!
We start the year with our newest topic, Reach for the Stars, which is all about space and space travel. There will be lots of history and science coming up! You can find out more about what we will cover in our OVERVIEW.
Please return the reply slip for the Space Centre trip as soon as you can.
We began with our Stunning Starter and, as you can see above, we have been visited by an astronaut (or is he a cosmonaut??) called Arnie. He has set the children a challenge to find as many different and fascinating facts about space, the planets and space travel as they can. he even left us a video message. The children are really excited by their new topic and have already begun to create some beautiful artwork.
FOREST SCHOOL will start next week for the Blueberry Class. Please see the letter HERE for all the information you need.
Our AUTUMN NEWSLETTER contains some very important information about being in Year 2 and how you can help to support your child's learning. Please take a few moments to read it through and ask your child's teacher if you have any questions.
We are really looking forward to working with you and your children and having lots of fun at the same time!