Crayon Hanging In There - Crayola Crayons Cartoon - (482x1280) Png Clipart  DownloadYear 2 

Blue Class and Indigo Class


 Year 2 is being taught by Mrs Burbury and Miss Hipwell

Mrs Burbury -

Miss Hipwell - 



Taste of Africa


On Monday 26th of April the Year Two children had an exciting afternoon. For the past three weeks we have been learning all about Africa! We have learnt about the different culture, some famous people, the different countries that make up Africa, music, landmarks and much more. We decided that the one thing we would like to know more of is the different kind of food.

So, we all went down to forest school to experience a taste of Africa. We had traditional food from three different countries; South Africa, Morocco and Algeria. We tried some Moroccan potato cakes, South African sweet rice, Algerian flat bread and puddings.

Some of the children have relatives that live in these countries and were able to tell us some interesting facts about the country.


Camouflage Art

The children chose an animal and painted in a Tingatinga style. They then painted a background. Once the two pictures were finished they were cut into strips and mixed together to create a camouflage picture. Here are the results!

Around the World    Premium Vector | Cartoon globe. schools supplies. isolated vector  illustration.

Welcome back to another term of learning.. We hope you all had a great Easter holiday and that the Easter bunny was kind to you all!

The children have loved the start of our new topic 'Around The World'. On Monday, they went on a hunt on the field and found pictures of the flags of lots of different countries. We've looked at them together and discovered that they are from countries from nearby (like France and Germany) as well as very far away (such as India and Canada). We then looked a world map and identified where these different countries are and what continent they are in. This week we have focused on our first continent Africa and the countries within it. 

Keep your eyes peeled for which countries we shall be visiting next!

Find attached the termly newsletter and overview.


Blue Class 

Indigo Class

Headteacher's Award

This weeks awards went to;

James for being a good role model.

Keira for always being very enthusiastic.

Congratulations to both of them! 

From Mrs Burbury &

Miss Hipwell


Take a look at all of the children's hard work in Blue and Indigo class this term. They have been working hard on acrostic poems about autumn, noun phrase poems about a riverbank animal. They have even created their own flanimal using some features of another animal! 


Autumn Term

What a fabulous start we have had! All of the children have come in eager to learn new things and are totally engaged with their learning. We had great fun finding out all about our new topic and being involved with our class assembly delivered by Mr and Mrs Roberts, all about Chico's adventures on the canal. If you would like to know more about Chico you can visit him here; 

We would like to welcome you to our Year 2 information page.  We will put regular updates on what the children have been up to during the term, including pictures so you can see what they have been doing. We have created an Autumn term newsletter for Key Stage One, to let you know all of the routines, procedures and the expectations we have for our children.  

 Please see the attached topic overview for some ideas of what we will be intending to try and teach this term. As you are aware, this is an important time for our Year Twos, and we really need your help to help us to help them. Both reading and spelling are extremely important and therefore we would like you to read as often as possible with your child and support them with their rainbow words. Due to the fact that rainbow words are non-sounding out words, it is important that the children learn to spell them using their ABC's. 

Click here for the topic overview.
Click here for the Autumn newsletter.